Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bun It!

Probably the second most common thing I get asked about is hair. I don't even know when i started but over the last few years I started really getting into doing my own hair, then slowly, with some confidence, other people's. But I'm no expert! I have no professional training so any advice I give please take with a grain of salt. There's a wonderful store in New York City called Duane Reade. Although Shoppers in Toronto is almost the same, like everything else in America it is ten times better. I was shopping for lord knows what and came across this weird looking doughnut that had a picture of a girl with an amazing bun on top of her head which I can never do well. I took it up but it had little to no instructions and I gave up on it but for some reason held on to it. Then just a few months later these amazing giant buns were all over from the red carpet to the work place! I had to figure out how everyone was doing it! A co-worker at my internship came in with this great, clean, chic look and I asked her how she did it. She vaguely explained that she saw a YouTube video of a girl making a sock into a doughnut shape and then voila had a bun! I didn't understand but when I went home that night I saw my doughnut Bun It and realized I had the tool all along, I just didn't know how to use it! So I watched a YouTube video, which had much better instructions then whatever I bought, and started to practice.

 Here I'll give you my steps and tips:
-I find this works best with day old hair so it has some texture to it. When my hair is too silky I can't do it.
-I bought the Bun It but from what I understand you cut the toes off a sock and then roll it outwards so that you are left with a doughnut shape.
-Put your hair into a pony tail. -I have found that every height works and looks great depending on what look you are going for but to start try as high as possible so that it's easier to learn the technique.
-Take your doughnut in one hand and pull your ponytail through then tuck the first inch of your hair under the curve of the doughnut.
-Then sort of twist and pull the doughnut downwards bringing more and more hair, continually tucking in the hairs, eventually all around the doughnut.
-Keep pulling it down and down until it is a tight and secure bun on your head.
 -Don't worry about loose ends, you shouldn't have any by the end, and if you do, just tuck them under or pin them.
-If you have layers like me sometimes hairs won't make it into the doughnut when you first put your ponytail through but that's okay continue to roll the doughnut down then when that layer is long enough just tuck it into the doughnut hole and roll it down with the rest of your hair.
Arielle Wasserman putting this post into practice!
Looks awesome!

   Personally I think it looks really curl with naturally curly hair too for all those curly haired girls who think this style isn't for them. Pish posh! The key to this look is effortless, messy but chic.
   You can wear it high and perfectly tight (this takes practice and as I found strong arms) for a glam or 60's vibe.
   Or wear you naturally place your ponytail for a generally better looking bun, my everyday choice.
   Or I think it'd be gorgeous worn low, at the nape of the neck or to the side, and let bangs or layers frame your face either naturally or curled for a fancier occasion. I'm going to try and make a video of me doing this but until then there are plenty on YouTube. And practice, practice, practice!

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