I had heard mixed reviews about this movie. The critics loved it but some audiences didn't so I had to see it for myself. Besides the fact that I could watch Jennifer Lawrence read the dictionary (I think the same goes for Anne Hathaway but more on her in a post-to-come) I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I hate when people give away things from movies before I've seen them, I like to see a film with little, to no, preconceived notions about it. Which is mostly how I saw SLP besides the general raves/disappointments and the award nominations it received so far (Golden Globe nominations for both Cooper and Lawrence, and Best Motion Picture for a comedy or musical) I had no idea what it was about plot wise besides that dancing comes into play somehow which is why this review is a little unclear because you can read it without it ruining key plot details.
Watching Bradley Cooper play such an intense role was wonderful. You sympathize with him when he is hurting or hurting others yet still can follow his sense of humor. Lawrence's performance I thought was exquisite. Again, you don't judge her for her flaws, you laugh with her, and you encourage her efforts to help him. The movie made me want to get up and dance with them at the end and literally cheer when they are scored in the dance contest. (I may have actually clapped. I would.)
I think Lawrence definitely has a shot at winning the Golden Globe but I
actually haven't watched the other three nominee's movies. And Cooper
can expect to lose, not for a lack of talent, but because he is up
against Hugh Jackman's performance in Les Miserables and I think there is no way he won't win.
I would highly recommend this as a date movie! I think it can be really hard to find a movie or TV show that both genders can enjoy (sometimes) and this is definitely one of them. The guys will like the football (Eagles fans anyone?) and some fighting, the dancing isn't overwhelmingly so, and the same goes for the lovey dovey. It's the least mushy romantic comedy out there right now. It has a slight darkness to it but one that you can go with without wanted to kill someone or yourself. This unlikely relationship of two very broken people gives me hope that we can all be put back together again.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Django Unchained
I was thrilled when a friend called and asked me if I wanted to see an advanced screening of Django Unchained, the latest film from Quentin Tarantino. I have to admit off the bat that I am not a die hard Tarantino fan. My first of his films to see was Inglorious Basterds so I admit I'm a late bloomer. My second was Pulp Fiction which mostly flew over my head and I think it was over hyped. I'll need to watch it again, maybe with a friend who is really into his films. And no, I haven't seen the Kill Bill movies but everyone can relax - there on my list. Stop moaning and yelling at me.
So even though I'm not a Tarantino expert I can still say I thought it was amazing film. It has its gore but it's Tarantino gore so it's over dramatic almost to the point that it's funny, which is his intention. Why, I do not know. I'm sure at least 3 guys will send me messages after this post about why he does this, so boys, I will edit this post if I have what to.
Tarantino has such a sense of humor, even when dealing with touchy subjects like the Holocaust and slavery. Yet, he treats these serious moments in history with respect which I think is an extreme challenge and talent.
Best Actors: I think it's a tie between Christopher Waltz (who was also brilliant in Basterds) and Leonardo DiCaprio (one of my favorite actors). They were both so hilarious, brilliant, and all encompassing of their characters. Both of them are nominated for the Golden Globe so if I had to vote (and God knows I wish I did) I'd say Waltz, but only if both their guns were pointed at me. Surely DiCaprio would kill me and my guts would splatter all over Waltz.
Second Best Actors: Samuel L. Jackson who I completely didn't recognize and thought did a great job with such a small role for such a hugely famous actor, and Jamie Foxx (a man that can pull off a certain blue outfit deserves serious applause.)
My favorite little surprise was finally seeing Kerry Washington act. I always see her on the red carpet and she's got great style but I always thought, "what the hell is this woman famous for??" I just Googled her and realized she also played Foxx's wife in Ray, so their chemistry makes a lot of sense. Regardless of my not knowing her work I really liked her and thought she was really powerful in this role.
In my opinion Django Unchained is definitely a must see. It will make you laugh, cover your eyes (if you're a girl)/squirm (if you're a guy. It will also make you protect your man parts), root for justice, and grateful that we no longer live in such a time of racism (well, at least most of us.)
Now I just can't decide if I think Golden Globe for Best Director should go to Ben Affleck for Argo or Taratino for this. My heart is torn!
So even though I'm not a Tarantino expert I can still say I thought it was amazing film. It has its gore but it's Tarantino gore so it's over dramatic almost to the point that it's funny, which is his intention. Why, I do not know. I'm sure at least 3 guys will send me messages after this post about why he does this, so boys, I will edit this post if I have what to.

Best Actors: I think it's a tie between Christopher Waltz (who was also brilliant in Basterds) and Leonardo DiCaprio (one of my favorite actors). They were both so hilarious, brilliant, and all encompassing of their characters. Both of them are nominated for the Golden Globe so if I had to vote (and God knows I wish I did) I'd say Waltz, but only if both their guns were pointed at me. Surely DiCaprio would kill me and my guts would splatter all over Waltz.
Second Best Actors: Samuel L. Jackson who I completely didn't recognize and thought did a great job with such a small role for such a hugely famous actor, and Jamie Foxx (a man that can pull off a certain blue outfit deserves serious applause.)
My favorite little surprise was finally seeing Kerry Washington act. I always see her on the red carpet and she's got great style but I always thought, "what the hell is this woman famous for??" I just Googled her and realized she also played Foxx's wife in Ray, so their chemistry makes a lot of sense. Regardless of my not knowing her work I really liked her and thought she was really powerful in this role.
In my opinion Django Unchained is definitely a must see. It will make you laugh, cover your eyes (if you're a girl)/squirm (if you're a guy. It will also make you protect your man parts), root for justice, and grateful that we no longer live in such a time of racism (well, at least most of us.)
Now I just can't decide if I think Golden Globe for Best Director should go to Ben Affleck for Argo or Taratino for this. My heart is torn!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
For the Love of Movies
![]() |
http://siucu.tumblr.com/post/26845353007/loveoffilm |
Just for an overall summary:
Thursday- advanced screening tickets to Django Unchained
Saturday night- This is 40 (with my mummy)
Sunday night- Silver Linings Playbook
Monday- The Sessions
later Monday night on demand- The Amazing Spider-Man
Tuesday morning- Les Miserables
Tuesday evening on DVD- Finding Neverland
later Tuesday night, because it is a Christmas-must-watch-film: Love Actually (possibly my 10th time watching this classic)
And you should all know I am contemplating just going to see Anna Karenina by myself tonight because a. No one will see it with me/have already seen it/not the right person to see it with and
b. I'm curious to see how many days in a row I can go with seeing a movie in theatres (minus Fridays cause I have work and keep Shabbat.) Anyone dare me?
Where to even begin??
Let me first say that I love a broad spectrum of movies, but like TV, there is only so much time in a day and in one's life so we have to make priorities. I can watch action to super hero to science fiction to romcom to drama to comedy/stupidity to foreign to...whatever genre The Sessions fits into. I can appreciate each of them in a different way, that being said, I don't like every movie, obviously.
As I'm writing this I'm realizing this is already too long to even get into an individual review so...I'm going to go back to the basics, back to the title of this post.
Why do I love movies so much? I don't even know when it all started but I've always loved escaping reality. Pretending to be someone else. Imaging myself wearing a costume, putting on an accent, singing my heart out. Deep down I wish I was an actress/singer. Seriously. I know people might say that but I really think I could have been good. And I won't go into blaming my parents (isn't everything in life that doesn't go as planned their fault ultimately?) But anyway, the beauty and the magic in film making, screenwriting, the depth it takes for an actor to wholeheartedly, and hopefully successfully, become another person is incredible to me.
I think the best way, honestly, to see and enjoy a movie, is alone. I really do. I've only gone to one movie by myself (Twilight...please don't stop reading) but really I think I, and we, should do it more often. It's really the only way to truly lose yourself in a film. No one can talk to you. You can speak out loud if you have a thought you need to share (Warning: If done in a public theater you might get even more sets of eyes glaring at you then there already are.) I only do this when I'm at home or when another person is with me. And I always wonder if I'm bothering that person's experience or are they thinking the same thing I am?
And I can truly lose myself in a movie. I love when it is so good that I completely forget I'm watching a screen (which is why I DESPISE when people, especially the people I'm with, look at their phones! The light is so bright and completely takes me out of the moment, out of the film and back to shitty reality. I'd like to add that there was a man two rows in front of me to my left during Les Miserables who decided this was the time to start twirling his glasses and I seriously contemplated reaching over and snapping them in half. Ya know, since he doesn't need them anyway apparently. The only reason I decided against this was because I knew I'd make an even bigger scene and ruin other people's experience of the film. So I suffered alone. You're welcome everyone in Auditorium 6 at Sheppard Grande at the 11:30am premier! Ungrateful bastards.) If a movie is incredible and intends to make you cry it's difficult to really allow that emotion and power take over you with someone next to you. I'm actually not as big of crier as many of my friends think I am (I have actually only cried at maybe 1 or 2 weddings and they weren't when anything with the ceremony was happening. Brides/newlywed friends please don't ask me if it was your wedding. I'll just lie) but this weekend so many films brought me to tears...or rather would have if I had been alone. Les Mis would have, The Sessions I was overcome with emotion but couldn't quite let the tears flow. And the one film that I was bawling during was Finding Neverland, probably because this was the only one I watched alone in the comfort of my leggings and sweatshirt on my couch. And it's so gratifying to feel the power of a movie, literally moving you to tears. I think I want to go back and see The Sessions alone for this very reason. And I mean this whole concept for when a movie makes you laugh but if you know me you know that if I find something funny I don't care who is around me, I laugh out loud and genuinely because again, isn't that the point?? A screenwriter, any writer, is trying to convey a story, a feeling, and by my laughing I'm merely saying they succeeded. Even if I'm the only one.
How do you like to watch a film? Am I the only one who likes seeing movies alone?
For the record: I love seeing movies with friends and certain people that I know will appreciate the movie whether it's because it's their sense of humor or their sensitivity. I think it's bonding and, let's face it, when push comes to shove most of us don't want to be the one person seeing a movie alone because we think (know) everyone is staring at us, judging us, thinking we have no friends!
Tomorrow: Django Unchained
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Man Up
I feel I have to write a follow up to my last post, "The Man Mess." It's gotten a lot of reaction, mostly positive. Firstly, for anyone who knows I thought of them I want to apologize if my writing embarrassed or offended you in any way. But as a writer I am not sorry I wrote it and shared it. I have to be as honest as I feel comfortable and sometimes when your friends with a writer some things you've experienced might be written about. It's a hazard I think most of my friends don't mind, and if you do, you don't have to be my friend. I mean I prefer if you were but I'd understand if you weren't.
Something I feel really needs to be made clear is my closing ideas of 3 general guys. These guys are accumulations of different men myself and friends have encountered. I might as well just be honest and said I've experienced all three at various moments in time but they are by no means just one guy for each. And I know tons of you women out there have had your experiences with each or all at some point or another. For the guys reading my blog, you too know that you have either been that guy or perhaps experienced a female equivalent. (p.s. If I've ever been a C for anyone I'd love to know lol) So I think the A,B, C guys can be related on multiple boards. But I just felt it was worth making clear so everyone can stop asking who is who, either because there is no one specific, or because I am choosing not to disclose actual names or experiences ;)
Until next time....
Something I feel really needs to be made clear is my closing ideas of 3 general guys. These guys are accumulations of different men myself and friends have encountered. I might as well just be honest and said I've experienced all three at various moments in time but they are by no means just one guy for each. And I know tons of you women out there have had your experiences with each or all at some point or another. For the guys reading my blog, you too know that you have either been that guy or perhaps experienced a female equivalent. (p.s. If I've ever been a C for anyone I'd love to know lol) So I think the A,B, C guys can be related on multiple boards. But I just felt it was worth making clear so everyone can stop asking who is who, either because there is no one specific, or because I am choosing not to disclose actual names or experiences ;)

Thursday, November 29, 2012
The Man Mess
I've had a request to write about boys...guys...supposed "men." While it's a genius subject I feel ill equipped. Sometimes I think I've had enough experience for a lifetime after having been in an on again, off again relationship for 5 years. But then I look back and realize that that ended when I was 19...and I'm 24 now! And yes, my dating life has been that sparse and boring since then. Why? I have no idea. I've had crushes on different guys, been set up on dates that never even made it to date #2, but not one relationship to speak of. Recently, with a drop in my BMI I've definitely noticed more attention, or maybe it's just that my self confidence was so low I couldn't see it before.
This subject is pretty personal to be posting about, which is probably also why it's never occurred to me to write publicly about. In fiction writing I can blur the lines between what I put on my character and what is actual fantasy. But here, on a blog, I'm supposed to be open and honest, so I will try. So I will share that there is a guy, who I've known for years but never, and I mean never thought he's ever given me a second look. He had Facebooked me a couple years ago saying some inappropriate, sexual, flirtatious, things and I thought, "this is a prank on the fat girl." I didn't often think of myself as "the fat girl" but in that moment I did. Just 7 months ago he made another comment and it was no prank. So after losing so much weight it didn't completely surprise me when he made a move. When I asked him about it he said, "what do you mean you lost weight?" I laughed, "are you kidding? I've lost almost 70lbs." "Since when?" he scoffed. He had no clue! It never made a difference to him. Some guys are so superficial that they only see you for your body, apparently so much so that it really doesn't necessarily matter what size you are. Which is sweet in a way. Yet, at the same time, I was annoyed. I look so much hotter now and a man doesn't appreciate it?! I always thought once I lose the weight, I'll find a great guy, we'll fall in love, we'll get married, and eventually lose the body I've worked so hard for (kidding!) But the rest is true.
I've come to another realization. Some guys will never even know what I used to look like. Until they Facebook stalk me. But so why now, that I'm...dare I say... thin, I don't think I'm hard on the eyes, I happen to be fairly large breasted (although they are now a reasonable size, yay!), legs that go on forever, remotely amusing (I think), by no means am I brilliant, but not a complete airhead. So what the hell? I guess I shouldn't have thought that guys would be lining up at my door step, but I thought at least one or two. For me, I've recently been talking to different women and gathered three different types of experiences with guys and I'll share them with you:
A. The hook up. The kind where the guy is hot but you have no interest in speaking to him or attempting to carry out a conversation. This can generally be blamed on pity, hormones, or alcohol.
B. The dating guy. Not amazing but by no means terrible. Most girls I think continue to give this guy a shot, cause why not? Maybe it will spark something. Maybe you'll eventually have feelings for him.

I shamefully don't have a conclusion for this post but if you have any shared experiences to the ones I've posted about please post a comment or feel free as always to message me on Facebook. And if you know you were thought of let me know if you think there's anything I should add!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Controlling Cravings
No matter how good you get at will power and working out sometimes mother nature takes over and you just HAVE to have that chocolate bar! Being a woman, yes, sometimes we have the excuse/reality that we just can't control what we want. For some reason this wasn't as strong for me personally last month but just the end of last week it was full blown. I had decided to not have any carbs for the week simply to detox from all the Jewish holidays and I wanted to see a good number drop on the scale. By Friday I was dying for some carbs and I got a bag of Jalapeno chips (my favorite!) and a Toblerone bar. Then Saturday night I knew I wanted to have some amazing ice cream (so many taste really bland and processed to me) so I went for a Haagen Dazs (I got a pint cause I figured it's very little and wouldn't last long vs a tube of something else) and then suddenly I wanted salt covered crackers. A fellow customer pointed out that, "someone is craving a salt and sweet mix," and rather than being insulted, since she was smiling and not being snarky, I laughed and realized I really was and I couldn't explain it. Until I could lol, the girls know what I'm talking about.
Here is the difference nowadays, and it's something really difficult to do, I had a couple pieces of the Toblerone but then knew I wanted to have more for later so i savored those bites and was able to put it down. With the ice cream, eating with a small spoon, I had a couple bites (the smarter thing to do would have been to take a small bowl and measure out 1/2 cup, the serving size, but I was having less than that. Okay, that's me rationalizing, I know.) I enjoyed them then put it away because I knew I'd want more later, whether that was in a couple hours watching a show or tomorrow...watching a different show (I know, another awful habit, stop yelling!) Here was the problem, I live with my mother who has also lost a significant amount of weight but is still struggling to lose those last 10 pounds and we try to encourage and help each other whenever we can. Yet, she went into the freezer and took a bowl of my ice cream, not a crazy amount by any means, but she yelled at me for bringing it in the house and I told her, it's mine, I paid for it, don't eat it. Besides the monetary issue or being roommates and keeping your own food for your own mouth (a system my siblings and I perfected this summer) my mother couldn't control herself the minute chips, chocolate, ice cream, or salty crackers were in the house. She was eating all my little snacks that I was specifically craving! And I can control myself pretty well these days so I bought those things to last me the week.
Everyone has their weaknesses but I'm having a hard time balancing another person's along with my own. I can't force her not to eat my food. So any advice on that part would be great!!!
But my advice and tips for controlling cravings are ideas that I got from Bethenny Frankel's Naturally Thin books and philosophy. "Taste everything, eat nothing" which I thought at first was crazy but the truth is if you give yourself a few delicious bites of your favorite foods, whether it be pizza or ice cream or even a salad. This also goes into another rule of hers which I cannot recall the exact title at the moment and don't have the book near me, but basically it says that once a food has gone passed the point of deliciousness stop eating it. Enjoy those bites and once it doesn't taste as good anymore, just stop. Which leads into another rule; you can stop and save it for later. I often will pack up half my meal right on the stop and I know that that's for my next meal or tomorrow's dinner. Who says I have to finish my entire plate this minute (and quickly for that matter)?? I will take my time, let me brain catch up to my stomach, and either throw out what's not worth keeping or save it for a different time. I can have two spoons of ice cream and not scarf down the whole thing this minute because it will not disappear. They are not easy habits to acquire, and I constantly fight with them, but when I can I try to be very mindful of this way of eating because food shouldn't control my world, my mind, or my body. I want to be in control and be free at the same time.
Here is the difference nowadays, and it's something really difficult to do, I had a couple pieces of the Toblerone but then knew I wanted to have more for later so i savored those bites and was able to put it down. With the ice cream, eating with a small spoon, I had a couple bites (the smarter thing to do would have been to take a small bowl and measure out 1/2 cup, the serving size, but I was having less than that. Okay, that's me rationalizing, I know.) I enjoyed them then put it away because I knew I'd want more later, whether that was in a couple hours watching a show or tomorrow...watching a different show (I know, another awful habit, stop yelling!) Here was the problem, I live with my mother who has also lost a significant amount of weight but is still struggling to lose those last 10 pounds and we try to encourage and help each other whenever we can. Yet, she went into the freezer and took a bowl of my ice cream, not a crazy amount by any means, but she yelled at me for bringing it in the house and I told her, it's mine, I paid for it, don't eat it. Besides the monetary issue or being roommates and keeping your own food for your own mouth (a system my siblings and I perfected this summer) my mother couldn't control herself the minute chips, chocolate, ice cream, or salty crackers were in the house. She was eating all my little snacks that I was specifically craving! And I can control myself pretty well these days so I bought those things to last me the week.
Everyone has their weaknesses but I'm having a hard time balancing another person's along with my own. I can't force her not to eat my food. So any advice on that part would be great!!!
But my advice and tips for controlling cravings are ideas that I got from Bethenny Frankel's Naturally Thin books and philosophy. "Taste everything, eat nothing" which I thought at first was crazy but the truth is if you give yourself a few delicious bites of your favorite foods, whether it be pizza or ice cream or even a salad. This also goes into another rule of hers which I cannot recall the exact title at the moment and don't have the book near me, but basically it says that once a food has gone passed the point of deliciousness stop eating it. Enjoy those bites and once it doesn't taste as good anymore, just stop. Which leads into another rule; you can stop and save it for later. I often will pack up half my meal right on the stop and I know that that's for my next meal or tomorrow's dinner. Who says I have to finish my entire plate this minute (and quickly for that matter)?? I will take my time, let me brain catch up to my stomach, and either throw out what's not worth keeping or save it for a different time. I can have two spoons of ice cream and not scarf down the whole thing this minute because it will not disappear. They are not easy habits to acquire, and I constantly fight with them, but when I can I try to be very mindful of this way of eating because food shouldn't control my world, my mind, or my body. I want to be in control and be free at the same time.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Season premiers of course!
I love September, not just got the cool breeze of autumn, the return of the big fluffy sweater, and not just got all the days off work for the Jewish High Holidays. If you know me you know how much I love TV, and it's such a great time to be a fan. Writing for television is at an all time high in my opinion. There are just too many good, well written, fantastically acted, shows on air right now.
Nurse Jackie, which was my first TV post, is just one of the many shows I love but since I'm all caught up on that series I have time to focus on all the shows that have finally started airing their new seasons like Modern Family, Big Bang and Grey's Anatomy but still make time for the new series on the block.
One I am watching is Go On starring Matthew Perry. Now, I love Matthew Perry. I loved Chandler on FRIENDS, his roles in movies like "Fools Rush In" (I don't care how stupid you thought it was), The "Whole Nine Yards" and "17 Again". So I have always cheered him on when I see he's starring in a new show. But sometimes there's only so much love that can support watching messes like Mr. Sunshine last year. Still, I think of Chandler and convince myself to give Go On a chance and surprisingly I like it so far. I had a few chuckles in the pilot and was intrigued enough to bite and watch the following episodes. He's still got a quirk of Chandler to him but I buy that he's a radio sports caster, which Chandler NEVER would be, who just lost his wife. (It did occur to me that for one second that he was talking about Monica and before I started to cry I reminded myself that this is not a spin off of Friends.) I do respect that some people think he is playing the same character over and over again but I think it's his delivery, and I still like it. (Unlike his Friends costars Matt Le Blanc and Lisa Kudrow who completely play different characters today than their famed and beloved characters on Episodes and Web Therapy, respectively. P.s. HUGE fan of Episodes- everyone should watch it now!) As great as Perry is and he can carry most of a show on his own, he needs a strong supporting cast so it's nice to see John Cho (most famously known for "Harold and Kumar") and Tyler James Williams (Everybody Hates Chris, taking on a much more serious role) and others who I don't know but can see being great actors and players such as his assistant Allison Miller (possible love connection in the future?), Bret Gelman, and Julie White. My only hesitation is the premise; okay so he lost his wife and he's joining this "life changes" support group but what happens in a year or so when he's moving on with his life? Does it have longevity? I am happy that it doesn't have a restricting title like How I Met Your Mother, which has somehow managed to drag itself out for 7, now started it's 8th season. JUST MEET THE DAMN WIFE ALREADY! At least Go On can mean lots of different things and isn't limiting right off the bat. I do hope I don't end up posting in 7 years kvetching YOUR WIFE DIED 7 YEARS AGO GET OVER IT! That would be mean. And it would mean that the show is terrible and hanging by a thread, and Chandler deserves better. One other thing that bothers me; shamefully I can call a wig by 5 miles since so many religious friends have gotten married and I am 99.9% sure that the group leader Laura Benanti is wearing a wig and it drives me crazy! Sorry! I had to get that off my chest! Please, someone else tune in tell me your thoughts.
Another little gem I'm going to spotlight is not The New Normal because it is clearly great and being titled the new hit sitcom of the season. I am really liking Partners. The show is created by the TV legends who brought us Will & Grace David Kohan and Max Mutchnick based off of their own friendship, one being a straight guy and the other being gay. It also has great actors; Sophia Bush (One Tree Hill, God I love her raspy voice! And she's so pretty!), Michael Urie (Ugly Betty, saw him in person on the set for my first Writing for TV class, hands down one of my top 5 gay characters. Off the top of my head Jack Mcfarland, Momo from Season 1 of Nurse Jackie, Blane from Glee and now Justin Bartha and Andrew Rannels from The New Normal, oh and of course Mitch and Cam from Modern Family! Okay, I'm really veering off topic but clearly top gay male characters should be a post of their own!) Anyway, Urie is amazing and funny and I love him. David Krumholtz (Numb3rs and the way I will always remember him; "Ten Things I Hate About You" with a penis markered onto the side of his face.) and Urie's partner Brandon Routh from "Superman Returns" which even without seeing the movie I knew he was from. He exudes superhero so I didn't totally buy him as a gay man but he's getting there without his confidence in being a nurse, hunky body, yet quiet, calm voice against Urie's loud personality. It's only been two episodes and it is a little repetitive in that clearly David's character is too open and sharing with Urie's and Bush keeps getting mad but she is learning to accept that (although no one ever could accept how close Will and Grace :/) Of all the sitcoms I caught up on last night/this morning when I couldn't fall asleep, this show made me laugh the loudest. Plus, who doesn't love a show that has an actual opening theme song and credit reel. It's cute- watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApaBlbUQtRc
Nurse Jackie, which was my first TV post, is just one of the many shows I love but since I'm all caught up on that series I have time to focus on all the shows that have finally started airing their new seasons like Modern Family, Big Bang and Grey's Anatomy but still make time for the new series on the block.
One I am watching is Go On starring Matthew Perry. Now, I love Matthew Perry. I loved Chandler on FRIENDS, his roles in movies like "Fools Rush In" (I don't care how stupid you thought it was), The "Whole Nine Yards" and "17 Again". So I have always cheered him on when I see he's starring in a new show. But sometimes there's only so much love that can support watching messes like Mr. Sunshine last year. Still, I think of Chandler and convince myself to give Go On a chance and surprisingly I like it so far. I had a few chuckles in the pilot and was intrigued enough to bite and watch the following episodes. He's still got a quirk of Chandler to him but I buy that he's a radio sports caster, which Chandler NEVER would be, who just lost his wife. (It did occur to me that for one second that he was talking about Monica and before I started to cry I reminded myself that this is not a spin off of Friends.) I do respect that some people think he is playing the same character over and over again but I think it's his delivery, and I still like it. (Unlike his Friends costars Matt Le Blanc and Lisa Kudrow who completely play different characters today than their famed and beloved characters on Episodes and Web Therapy, respectively. P.s. HUGE fan of Episodes- everyone should watch it now!) As great as Perry is and he can carry most of a show on his own, he needs a strong supporting cast so it's nice to see John Cho (most famously known for "Harold and Kumar") and Tyler James Williams (Everybody Hates Chris, taking on a much more serious role) and others who I don't know but can see being great actors and players such as his assistant Allison Miller (possible love connection in the future?), Bret Gelman, and Julie White. My only hesitation is the premise; okay so he lost his wife and he's joining this "life changes" support group but what happens in a year or so when he's moving on with his life? Does it have longevity? I am happy that it doesn't have a restricting title like How I Met Your Mother, which has somehow managed to drag itself out for 7, now started it's 8th season. JUST MEET THE DAMN WIFE ALREADY! At least Go On can mean lots of different things and isn't limiting right off the bat. I do hope I don't end up posting in 7 years kvetching YOUR WIFE DIED 7 YEARS AGO GET OVER IT! That would be mean. And it would mean that the show is terrible and hanging by a thread, and Chandler deserves better. One other thing that bothers me; shamefully I can call a wig by 5 miles since so many religious friends have gotten married and I am 99.9% sure that the group leader Laura Benanti is wearing a wig and it drives me crazy! Sorry! I had to get that off my chest! Please, someone else tune in tell me your thoughts.
Another little gem I'm going to spotlight is not The New Normal because it is clearly great and being titled the new hit sitcom of the season. I am really liking Partners. The show is created by the TV legends who brought us Will & Grace David Kohan and Max Mutchnick based off of their own friendship, one being a straight guy and the other being gay. It also has great actors; Sophia Bush (One Tree Hill, God I love her raspy voice! And she's so pretty!), Michael Urie (Ugly Betty, saw him in person on the set for my first Writing for TV class, hands down one of my top 5 gay characters. Off the top of my head Jack Mcfarland, Momo from Season 1 of Nurse Jackie, Blane from Glee and now Justin Bartha and Andrew Rannels from The New Normal, oh and of course Mitch and Cam from Modern Family! Okay, I'm really veering off topic but clearly top gay male characters should be a post of their own!) Anyway, Urie is amazing and funny and I love him. David Krumholtz (Numb3rs and the way I will always remember him; "Ten Things I Hate About You" with a penis markered onto the side of his face.) and Urie's partner Brandon Routh from "Superman Returns" which even without seeing the movie I knew he was from. He exudes superhero so I didn't totally buy him as a gay man but he's getting there without his confidence in being a nurse, hunky body, yet quiet, calm voice against Urie's loud personality. It's only been two episodes and it is a little repetitive in that clearly David's character is too open and sharing with Urie's and Bush keeps getting mad but she is learning to accept that (although no one ever could accept how close Will and Grace :/) Of all the sitcoms I caught up on last night/this morning when I couldn't fall asleep, this show made me laugh the loudest. Plus, who doesn't love a show that has an actual opening theme song and credit reel. It's cute- watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApaBlbUQtRc
Friday, October 5, 2012
Life Is Full Of Little Pricks
For my first post on TV (which I hope there will be many more to come) I'd love to talk about my latest obsession Nurse Jackie. This Showtime series has gotten great reviews and even Emmy wins (Edie Falco is ridiculous) but I had never been all that interested but in the duller TV days of summer between So You Think You Can Dance and Keeping Up With The Kardashians (I know, I should be ashamed but I'm not lol)I picked up my mom's DVD of Season 1 and once I started I couldn't stop! It is so witty and funny but more than that each character is so 3 dimensional it's fantastic. A good looking male doctor? Sure, but he's a total goof ball, puppy dog who needs love but everyone is too annoyed to love him. But he also has a physical turrets/tick induced under stressful situations that cause him to grab women's breasts. And he's not even the lead!! I could go on and on about each individual character but I think you should just watch it yourselves.
It just wrapped it's 4th season, 12 episodes per season (10 for the last) and only 30 minute episodes. Although, I don't know how but the 30 minutes feel more like an hour! They fill the episodes so well, the viewer gets so drawn in, that it doesn't feel like just the regular 22 minute sitcom (probably because it's not since it has no commercial breaks and has just as much heart and drama as it does humor). If you catch up on all the current TV shows airing and want to spend a few hours in bed on a Sunday watching a great show? My recommendation: Nurse Jackie. And no, that is NOT how I spent my Sunday and all night Tuesday after the holiday and turned down two movie invites. Don't judge me, I was addicted. (You'll find that irony funnier if you watch the show.)
It just wrapped it's 4th season, 12 episodes per season (10 for the last) and only 30 minute episodes. Although, I don't know how but the 30 minutes feel more like an hour! They fill the episodes so well, the viewer gets so drawn in, that it doesn't feel like just the regular 22 minute sitcom (probably because it's not since it has no commercial breaks and has just as much heart and drama as it does humor). If you catch up on all the current TV shows airing and want to spend a few hours in bed on a Sunday watching a great show? My recommendation: Nurse Jackie. And no, that is NOT how I spent my Sunday and all night Tuesday after the holiday and turned down two movie invites. Don't judge me, I was addicted. (You'll find that irony funnier if you watch the show.)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Teaching an old dog a new trick
I hope everyone had a good weekend. Saturday night I was having a pretty old school girls night with one of my closest friends who has asked me a couple times to do hair tutorials. Ironically, last time, before I started this blog, I taught her how to use the bun it she had just bought. This week she asked me to show her how to curl her hair, which is another request I get quite often. Only problem was she didn't have a curling iron, she only had a flat iron! dum dum dummmmm is pretty much the loud noise that went through my mind. I completely admit that I am no professional, am self taught, and have only ever used curling irons so I was afraid I'd disappoint her.
Despite my adamant protests to even trying she refused and told me to just try. After a couple failed strands that I simply made more straight I was ready to just give up and was convinced I would just have to go home and practice on my own head before embarrassing myself like I was at that moment.
It wasn't too long that I finally got the hang of it. She looked great! Some curls were more beachy-wavy and others were actually very formal and bouncy. I'd definitely need to take more time to really perfect my skill but overall she looked great! Now I need to actually go out and buy a flat iron so I can practice lol.
The technique:
Starting at the middle point of your hair (about 1/2 an inch's worth) curl away from your face and wrap the ends once around then pull through the hair. This is really hard to explain over blog so I will definitely be making a video of this once I get my straightening iron! (Can you believe I don't have one?? I literally only have curling irons!)
Ladies and gentlemen meet Galit (aka Galilu) who has agreed to let me post the pic we took right after finishing her hair. But really is it my handy work or just that she's so gosh darn pretty?
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Bun It Tutorial Video
Check out my first YouTube tutorial on how to get a perfect Bun It! I'm not very tech savvy so here is the link below since the add link button doesn't seem to be working. Just copy and paste the link below to watch the video! Let me know if you find it useful, tips, questions or anything!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Bun It!
Probably the second most common thing I get asked about is hair. I don't even know when i started but over the last few years I started really getting into doing my own hair, then slowly, with some confidence, other people's. But I'm no expert! I have no professional training so any advice I give please take with a grain of salt.
There's a wonderful store in New York City called Duane Reade. Although Shoppers in Toronto is almost the same, like everything else in America it is ten times better. I was shopping for lord knows what and came across this weird looking doughnut that had a picture of a girl with an amazing bun on top of her head which I can never do well. I took it up but it had little to no instructions and I gave up on it but for some reason held on to it.
Then just a few months later these amazing giant buns were all over from the red carpet to the work place! I had to figure out how everyone was doing it! A co-worker at my internship came in with this great, clean, chic look and I asked her how she did it. She vaguely explained that she saw a YouTube video of a girl making a sock into a doughnut shape and then voila had a bun! I didn't understand but when I went home that night I saw my doughnut Bun It and realized I had the tool all along, I just didn't know how to use it! So I watched a YouTube video, which had much better instructions then whatever I bought, and started to practice.
Here I'll give you my steps and tips:
-I find this works best with day old hair so it has some texture to it. When my hair is too silky I can't do it.
-I bought the Bun It but from what I understand you cut the toes off a sock and then roll it outwards so that you are left with a doughnut shape.
-Put your hair into a pony tail. -I have found that every height works and looks great depending on what look you are going for but to start try as high as possible so that it's easier to learn the technique.
-Take your doughnut in one hand and pull your ponytail through then tuck the first inch of your hair under the curve of the doughnut.
-Then sort of twist and pull the doughnut downwards bringing more and more hair, continually tucking in the hairs, eventually all around the doughnut.
-Keep pulling it down and down until it is a tight and secure bun on your head.
-Don't worry about loose ends, you shouldn't have any by the end, and if you do, just tuck them under or pin them.
-If you have layers like me sometimes hairs won't make it into the doughnut when you first put your ponytail through but that's okay continue to roll the doughnut down then when that layer is long enough just tuck it into the doughnut hole and roll it down with the rest of your hair.
Personally I think it looks really curl with naturally curly hair too for all those curly haired girls who think this style isn't for them. Pish posh! The key to this look is effortless, messy but chic.
You can wear it high and perfectly tight (this takes practice and as I found strong arms) for a glam or 60's vibe.
Or wear you naturally place your ponytail for a generally better looking bun, my everyday choice.
Or I think it'd be gorgeous worn low, at the nape of the neck or to the side, and let bangs or layers frame your face either naturally or curled for a fancier occasion. I'm going to try and make a video of me doing this but until then there are plenty on YouTube. And practice, practice, practice!
Here I'll give you my steps and tips:
-I find this works best with day old hair so it has some texture to it. When my hair is too silky I can't do it.
-I bought the Bun It but from what I understand you cut the toes off a sock and then roll it outwards so that you are left with a doughnut shape.
-Put your hair into a pony tail. -I have found that every height works and looks great depending on what look you are going for but to start try as high as possible so that it's easier to learn the technique.
-Take your doughnut in one hand and pull your ponytail through then tuck the first inch of your hair under the curve of the doughnut.
-Then sort of twist and pull the doughnut downwards bringing more and more hair, continually tucking in the hairs, eventually all around the doughnut.
-Keep pulling it down and down until it is a tight and secure bun on your head.
-Don't worry about loose ends, you shouldn't have any by the end, and if you do, just tuck them under or pin them.
-If you have layers like me sometimes hairs won't make it into the doughnut when you first put your ponytail through but that's okay continue to roll the doughnut down then when that layer is long enough just tuck it into the doughnut hole and roll it down with the rest of your hair.
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Arielle Wasserman putting this post into practice! Looks awesome! |
Personally I think it looks really curl with naturally curly hair too for all those curly haired girls who think this style isn't for them. Pish posh! The key to this look is effortless, messy but chic.
You can wear it high and perfectly tight (this takes practice and as I found strong arms) for a glam or 60's vibe.
Or wear you naturally place your ponytail for a generally better looking bun, my everyday choice.
Or I think it'd be gorgeous worn low, at the nape of the neck or to the side, and let bangs or layers frame your face either naturally or curled for a fancier occasion. I'm going to try and make a video of me doing this but until then there are plenty on YouTube. And practice, practice, practice!
BJCC - Best Jym
I just joined the new (and highly improved) BJCC at Rutherford and Bathurst. While I know for most people in Toronto that is "like a million miles away" it really isn't so get over it. The gym is amazing loaded with weights, dumbbells, kettle bells, bars, treadmills, bikes (with virtual screens that you can race your friends on!), strength training machines, a jacob's ladder and some rope pulling thing. They offer lots of classes at various hours and 2 indoor pools with lap hours and 1 outdoor (which of course is only good for, what? 3 months in Toronto. But still!)
Last night I planned on going to the gym, after 4 days of working out, except for Sunday, I didn't want to break my streak. Plus Thursdays are my weigh in day so who doesn't want to do all they can the day before?? But no, I got home a little later then expected, had dinner late, and got caught up watching So You Think You Can Dance 2 hour performance finale. And I knew the next day (AKA today, Thursday) I was not going to be home much besides to eat dinner and wouldn't have/make time for a work out so what's a girl to do??
I can't even believe I did this but I did my chores and went straight to bed (10:30pm) in my work out pants, woke up at 5:30, walked the 10 minute walk to the gym from my house, attended a Hatha Yoga class from 6:15-7:00am then walked back home, showered, got dressed and went to work for 9am (a 1 hour drive from my home with traffic now). I felt great! Who the heck thought I could do that?! I didn't! It was great. just 3 other people in the class, I was able to bend and twist at my own comfort level but still push and challenge myself. Definitely broke a sweat (those damn planks!) And had a great start of to my day.
And tomorrow is a Friday, never a good work out day for us Jews, but now that I know I CAN get up that early if I go to bed early enough, I pretty much have no excuse! So although I have a birthday party to drop in to tonight I can't stay for very long cause I want to go to the Spinning class at 6-7am (since the 7am class for something else doesn't end till 7:55am which is too late to get to work and I don't think I'm motivated enough quite yet to just get on a treadmill for my own set time lol. I think I need the stability of a class setting, like with a buddy.) I hope tomorrow will be just as successful and energizing as this morning was. I could get used to that.
I actually wrote this post LAST Thursday and I might as well update here:
I did in fact go to the 6am spinning class, my first ever. And yes, my ass was killing for the next 2 days. And no, I don't think I'm addicted but I did like the sweat and soreness. I would do it again but I'm not sure I want to tomorrow! The class was half full of middle aged people who were mostly all in better shape and more experienced spinners than me. I was clearly the child, the amateur. But we'll see, maybe I will try it again. For now, I'm sticking with my yoga and Zumba!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Addressing the Questions
For those of you who know me can probably tell that I've lost a significant amount of weight. The compliments have been out pouring and (mostly) very loving and supportive. People have asked me how I've been doing it especially because I used to be such an open book when it comes to weight loss struggles. Over the last year or so I think I've become much more introverted when it comes to this subject because it is so personal and individual. I did not do it all on my own and had a lot of help and the exact plan is not for everyone so I will not be laying out exactly what I have done/am doing. I would suggest consulting with your doctor, nutritionist, and personal trainer, to figure out the best plan for you! Mine is to my specifications, cravings, BMI, height and age.
But of course I will continue to share lots of tips and pieces of advice I've picked up on from the many, many years of dieting and excersizing.
I am very excited to say that I used to weigh 250lbs and today I weighed in at 191. Woo hoo! Breaking out of the 200s and into the 100s was surreal and I didn't really believe it would last. Believe me, it hasn't been easy and there have been minor lags but I only started this blog two days ago, so just trust me :)
It's been mostly strict dieting and cutting my meals in half. I have learned that it is true what they say, "You can have it all, just in moderation!" While I was getting at least 30 minutes a day of walking or an hour of swimming I have been wanting to kick up my work outs and really start breaking a sweat! Plus, as kindly as possible, people have asked if with so much weight loss if my skin has become flabby. Ew! Gross! I want to avoid that as MUCH as possible! If that's not motivation I don't know what is! God was I in for a shock. I might be down 59lbs but my stamina is embarressing! Not to fret, this will not get me down, only motivate me.
Hi Everyone and welcome to my newest blog All Things Aliyah!
I loved blogging on my old site but I found it was too constricted to just one subject matter. My friends ask me all the time for tips and videos on hair, make up, clothing, all things wedding planning ETC! Which I take as a huge compliment and I take it humbly. I thought a new fresh blog with room for lots of different subjects would be just the thing. I also hope to post writing pieces to stretch my writing muscles as I hope to get into the writing field so maybe this could even help with getting a job in that field. Any takers? No? Not yet? Alright, then in the mean time let's begin!
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