Well, I don't know where the hell I've been but I love it! It's like Purim or Halloween for your Facebook profile pic. The problem is finding who your doppelganger is. Therein lies the challenge. All year long we randomly look at a person and say, "hey, you know who you look like?" But we forget. Now I'm gonna start writing that shit down!
Yet of course we are all guilty of wanting to look like the hottest and most gorgeous celebs we can. I mean who doesn't want to be Jennifer Aniston's doppelganger? But there's also just the perspective. Some people see it, others don't.
I'll use myself as an example of this. For years my friends called me Queen Latifah, I was a big, not-actually-black woman but the truth is I don't actually look like her. I think she's gorgeous but it's not real. I've gotten America Ferrera, who is my current Facebook profile pic because I think it's the most obvious and close celeb doppelganger but the truth is I know her nose is wider than mine, my chin is more defined and I wish I had her upper lip regardless, I'm cool with it. I see the resemblance. It's mostly about skin and hair color, as horrible as that might be.
I've also gotten Neve Campbell which I can see, she's just has a whiter skin tone next to my olive.

So who's your doppelganger? Are you participating in this fun? Admit it, you love it!